== IMPORTANT Guidelines for dates, poster creation, naming conventions, and uploading! ==

(This email is being sent to accepted SECO 2024 poster authors. You
should have previously received an acceptance email. If you feel you
have received this email in error, please contact me. Walt Mayo, OD)

Congratulations on being selected as a SECO 2024 Poster Presenter!

earlier email, please do so ASAP!

Hopefully things are going well with your poster. All posters must be
submitted in PowerPoint format (PPTX). All posters will be displayed at
SECO using 16:9 ratio video mode, so design accordingly. When
constructing your poster keep in mind the following guidelines:

1) Keep your poster reasonable in length (20, 30, 40 slides is good...
100 slides... not so good).
2) Crop, scale, and compress your images prior to insertion into your
presentation to keep their file size small.
3) Make sure that all objects/photos are embedded in the PowerPoint
and not referenced outside the presentation.
4) Videos are acceptable, but you should contact me before putting
your poster together.
5) Don't use automated timings. Posters will be manual advance only.
6) Don't put any action buttons in your poster.
7) Don't make use of any slide animations.
8) No audio.
9) Make sure to properly reference your poster on the last slide(s).

Please make sure to adhere to the guidelines above. I am always
available to answer questions if you need help, or simply need
clarification. I urge you to take a look at some of the posters from
previous years.

If you'd like to see a sample, view this 2020 poster at:

When complete, you can upload your poster at:

Poster Uploads

It is IMPORTANT to follow the naming convention described at the
upload site. Here is it so you can see it before uploading:

= = = = =
Please make sure to name your PPTX according to the following format
prior to uploading:


Example: If the primary author is Irving Borish, OD, and the title of
the poster is "Retinoscopy of the Mentally Handicapped Patient" then
name the file something like: "borish_retinoscopy.pptx".
This makes it far easier to identify who authored
the poster, and a keyword we can use to identify the poster title from
our list of accepted posters.
= = = = =

Posters must be uploaded by January 31, 2024. Late posters will not
be accepted unless you've previously contacted me and we've agreed
upon a different date.

Don't hesitate to contact me if questions arise.

Walt Mayo, OD
Technology Director
SECO International, LLC
Cell: 843.446.3465

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